Building the Garage Gym

Bottom Line Up Front: I have gone to a gym to workout most of my life but moved to a garage gym full time in 2013. This is how I built my garage gym and its current status. The State…
Bottom Line Up Front: I have gone to a gym to workout most of my life but moved to a garage gym full time in 2013. This is how I built my garage gym and its current status. The State…
Bottom Line Up Front: These are the podcasts I listen to for information and/or entertainment. I keep this post updated so it always reflects my current listening habits.
Bottom Line Up Front: Meditating is really good for your health. Integrating it into your schedule isn’t too hard. There is technology available to let you start meditating quickly. I have always believed meditation was healthy. Fine-tuning your mind has…
Bottom Line Up Front: The majority of Internet users are at risk of loss of personal information due to poor online security practices. Fortunately, there are 3 simple steps to stronger online security that you can do today for free. I have…
Bottom Line Up Front: Here are 3 podcasts episodes to maximize some holiday downtime you may have. For me that means driving across three states or walking my dog. You can listen right in your browser now or you can download…
Bottom Line Up Front: Heart rate variability (HRV) will let you understand the impact of your training on the health of your system. The more your heart rate varies from beat to beat, the better your system is sitting. When your…