The HYROX Physical Fitness Test (P’F”T)

Bottom Line Up Front: I took the HYROX Physical Fitness Test (P’F”T) today. This post is about what Hyrox is and its PFT. What is Hyrox? I heard about Hyrox for the first time this week when I got an…
Bottom Line Up Front: I took the HYROX Physical Fitness Test (P’F”T) today. This post is about what Hyrox is and its PFT. What is Hyrox? I heard about Hyrox for the first time this week when I got an…
Bottom Line Up Front: I get a lot of questions about “cardio” or hear someone say how they do “cardio” two times per week, but I don’t hear a lot of explaining about what that really means. This post will…
Bottom Line Up Front: Training in specific heart rate zones is key to maximum cardiovascular training benefits. Here’s how to apply it and why. The Most Important Variable You may be performing standard “cardio” training by doing long slow bouts…
Bottom Line Up Front: Adding a side hop to a kettlebell swing increases the heart rate response almost 20%. Here is the evidence and how you can use this technique. You can use kettlebells to get after any element of…
Bottom Line Up Front: This is a review of a training cycle I programmed for myself that I executed for 8 weeks from June to August 2018. The goal is to maintain general physical preparedness (GPP). Background I have been…
Bottom Line Up Front: I completed a marathon while carrying a 40lb ruck. This post is my ruck march marathon training program after action review complete with the plan I followed for rucking, strength and conditioning, nutrition, and supplementation preparation…
Bottom Line Up Front: I did a cardiovascular conditioning session this morning that I found particularly interesting after analyzing the results of my heart rate monitor. The main idea is that I found box step-ups to be as effective at…
After my last post about a way ahead using kettlebells regularly each session without it having to be part of a 10,000 swing challenge, I realized this is exactly what Pavel had described in his Simple & Sinister book. Short summary of…